The IEEE CloudCom 2010 was a fantastic event from multiple perspectives. First, it was a first class conference with a great mix of national and international attendance which offered relevant information on current cloud computing topics. The conference included a number of very helpful tutorials such as those offered on Hadoop, Open Nebula, Microsoft Azure, Twister, and others.
R2AD was proud to have been accepted to present a poster on our recent cloud client which was sponsored by DISA and was developed using the OCCI and CDMI cloud specifications.
Our poster paper and poster PDF are also available from our web site.
The Future Grid work by Geoffrey Fox and his team is going to be interesting to follow and exciting to work with. Map Reduce was a popular topic of a number of the papers presented. Hadoop is one of many applications which can be used in cloud environments.
Ian Foster gave a great key note, in which he emphasized the need for additional infrastructure automation so that cloud users can focus on their main concerns. With this in mind, he introduced Globus Online with a data transfer service as an offering.
Microsoft's Krishna Kumar provided a great Azure tutorial which was echoed in Dennis Gannon's keynote address which emphasized their Truck based cloud data center and their practical tool integration to the cloud (i.e. Excel ribbon and Blast tool).
Standards were also discussed by a panel which included representatives from the Open Grid Forum (OGF), Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), Storage Network Industry Association (SNIA), and others.
It will be interesting to explore many of the topics discussed during the conference...such as using a cloud for geospatial processing of data which is updated often. R2AD will explore this and other areas in support of our customers and mobile computing development efforts.
Visit the IEEE CloudCom 2010 site for complete coverage, including a full gallery of images and video.